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  • Budgeting

Jun 27, 2015


4 mins read

For most households July 1 dawns with barely a cross on the calendar. But just as January 1 prompts many of us to take a pulse check on our health and resolve to do better, the new financial year is the perfect time to take stock of our fiscal fitness.

Build a budget

It’s easy to lurch from payday to payday and bill to bill in the hope there’s more money coming in than going out. The best way to manage your money and ensure you are not living beyond your means is to set a budget and stick to it.

Building a true budget requires honesty with yourself about how much you actually spend. Consider all of your costs for an entire month – groceries, bills, loan repayments, clothing, coffees, school fees, entertainment and everything in between – and stack them against what you earn. If you find there is little left over or worse, nothing at all, it’s time to cut costs.

Consider expenses you can control versus those you can’t. Loan repayments, school fees, rent or council rates are fixed. But take-aways, movies or a new pair of heels are all at your discretion – and where you can cut back.

Axing one takeaway coffee from your work day can net you nearly $900 a year, while making your own lunch can save more than $1,800. Pare back on impulse purchases and eating out and your annual savings could soar.

Set some goals

Nothing spurs savings like something to look forward to, such as a holiday or even a deposit on a home. Build your savings goal into your budget and set funds aside as soon as you get paid. Better still, have funds debited from your pay into an account you can’t access easily, such as an online savings account.

Pay down debt

The new financial year is the perfect time to assess debt and make a plan to reduce it, starting with those debts with the highest interest. Consumers often make the mistake of paying extra off their home loan while carrying high-interest debt (up to 20 per cent per annum) on their credit card. You will be far better off financially if you clear the high-interest debt first. A $5,000 credit card debt at 17.5 per cent, for example, attracts $850 in interest a year, while the same amount on a 4 per cent per annum home loan costs just $200 in interest. Credit card providers must now outline to customers how long it will take to pay off their debt if they pay just the monthly minimum. Check out the numbers on your next statement and take steps to pay as much off as you can.

Organise your deductibles

Start the new tax year by knowing what you can deduct and sorting your receipts. Australian income-earners are entitled to minimise their tax so find out what you are allowed to deduct in your line of work and keep a record of all relevant receipts, even if it’s just in an envelope or folder. If unsure of what you can claim, visit or talk to your accountant.

Get savvy with your super

If you are at a point in life where you have extra disposable income, it may be worth socking more into your super. Talk to your tax advisor or accountant about your individual circumstances and how much extra you’re allowed to contribute. Superannuation is reported after the end of each financial year so keep an eye out for your next statement in coming months to see how your retirement fund is faring.

Make sure you are covered

Insurance may be considered a grudge purchase but it could be the difference between financial ruin and getting back on your feet if the worst happens. Check your home and contents policy to ensure you have enough cover to rebuild and replace your possessions in the event of a total loss. Many home owners make the mistake of just taking out enough building cover to repay their mortgage, but the sum insured should cover the cost of rebuilding your home at today’s prices, including any landscaping and fences. Similarly, contents insurance should be sufficient to cover all of your belongings if you have to buy them again as new. If you have an investment property, make sure you have a specific landlords’ policy to cover claims for loss of rent or tenant damage (see our article about managing unruly renters in this edition of Haven), which are not covered on standard home policies.

Mortgage matters

The new financial year is an ideal time to review your mortgage, regardless of how long you have been with your lender. It never hurts to look around at other institutions and their loans to ensure your mortgage is still structured to suit your circumstances. Even 0.5 per cent shaved from a $250,000 loan will save more than $23,000 over 25 years.

Talk to your mortgage broker about your financial goals and circumstances for this financial year so they have enough information to help you determine the right loan for your situation.

Jun 27, 2015


4 mins read

Tax information:

The information in this article does not constitute advice. As taxation legislation is complex, we recommend you speak with your financial advisor, tax advisor or contact the ATO for further details and expert advice regarding your personal circumstances.