Suite A39, Level 4, 24 Lexington Drive Lexington Corporate Centre, Bella Vista NSW 2153

Southport Central Suite 30901 I Level 9, Tower 3, 9 Lawson St, Southport, 4215

Discover the possibilities with EFGA's comprehensive house purchasing services. From first home purchases to buying assistance, refinancing, building your dream home, and investment property solutions, we're your trusted partner in the Australian property market. With our expertise and personalised approach, we'll guide you through the process, ensuring a seamless and rewarding experience. Take the first step towards your desired property goals today.

Buying a property is a time to be excited. Don’t waste it looking for a loan.

Modern villa with pool and deck

Buying your first home is an exciting, but big step to take and one that comes with many questions and decisions.

The first big question is how much you can borrow and what you’re likely repayments will be.

That’s where we can help, we’ll do the legwork for you. We can compare home loans across a variety of products available from Australia’s leading lending institutions.

And because you’re a first home buyer, you may be eligible for a first home buyer grant. This grant may be available to Australian citizens or permanent residents who wish to buy or build their first home, which will be their principal place of residence within 12 months of settlement.

As grant conditions vary from state to state, contact us to find out more about eligibility requirements in your state and how much grant money you could receive.

We will also liaise with the lender. It’s our job to do the hard work and you can focus on finding the right home for you. We’ll be there every step of the way to guide you through the entire home loan process – from application to approval.

Smiling couple with smartphone in design house
This is our first picture in new home

It’s a big decision, so it’s good to have someone there to help you make the right one.

Buying a home is one of the biggest things you’ll do in life. We’re here to help you by making sure you have the info and options you need to find the finance solution you’re looking for (for the house you want).

There are so many home loans to choose from, with new ones always being introduced, not to mention special offers and other ‘deals’. As a broker we’ll not only help you find a loan that suits your particular needs, but we’ll also help you complete the paperwork, and submit the application for you.

It’s why more than half of Australian borrowers now use a broker to secure a home loan.

Before you use a broker you might like to get a better understanding of what’s available by visiting our different loan types page.

If you want to get a better idea of your borrowing power and what your likely repayments might be, try out our online calculators.

At anytime on your home buying ‘journey’, feel free to give us a call or email us and we’ll do everything we can to make it easier for you.

Start your journey to homeownership today!

Don't miss out on the first-home-buyer advantage. We focus on the essentials, ensuring you get the best products without unnecessary burdens. Take the first step towards your dream home now.

Refinancing your home loan

Don’t get stuck paying high interest rates. Unlock the potential of your home equity

As time marches on, situations change. Perhaps you’ve changed jobs? Or there’s a new addition to the family? Maybe you would just like a better rate? Maybe it’s the advent of school fees, or perhaps the kids have flown the coop? Or maybe that leaking shower or tired kitchen has just reached the end of its life.

A shift in circumstances may mean it is time to revisit your home finances. For many, the idea of refinancing a mortgage can be daunting. Fees and fixed versus variable interest rates need to be considered.

The right refinanced loan might help you to pay off your mortgage faster and for less, clear unhealthy debt or upgrade and add value your home, all of which are steps in the right direction.

Start your journey to homeownership today!

Don't miss out on the first-home-buyer advantage. We focus on the essentials, ensuring you get the best products without unnecessary burdens. Take the first step towards your dream home now.

Building a new home

We understand that building your dream home is an exciting and significant endeavour.  

Our building service is designed to support you every step of the way, making the process smoother and more enjoyable. We collaborate with reputable builders and industry professionals to ensure exceptional craftsmanship and attention to detail in creating your ideal living space. From architectural design and material selection to project management and budgeting, our experienced team will provide expert guidance and personalized assistance throughout the building journey.  

We understand the unique challenges and considerations that come with building a home, and we're here to navigate them together. With our extensive network and knowledge of the local construction industry, we can connect you with trusted suppliers and help streamline the building process. Whether you're constructing your first home or envisioning a custom-designed masterpiece, our building service will help turn your vision into reality.  

Experience peace of mind knowing that you have a dedicated team supporting you, ensuring that your new home is built to the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship. Start building your future with EFGA today. 

Modern architecture
Investing in Property

Research and having the right people to help you are the keys when investing in property.

It definitely pays to do your homework on the property market before you dive in, and we’re thrilled to be on board to help you when it comes to financing your decision. Recent share market slides, tight rental markets in most capital cities and a whiff of increase in property prices are seeing many mum and dad investors retreat to bricks and mortar.

Generally, property in Australia is still considered to be a sound investment due to steady and consistent increases over time.

But it’s not a quick win. Property usually has a seven to ten year cycle, with highs, lows and steady stints in between.

Fortunately, an ongoing housing shortage in Australia and a tax system that allows negative gearing on property (where any investment losses can be claimed as tax deductions) continue to favour housing as a solid, long-term investment.

But credit has tightened in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis so lenders are more cautious about who borrows and for what. We are here to help find the right lender and loan for your circumstances in this new environment. We can also wade through the many investment loan options on offer, leaving you more time to find the ideal property.

Start your journey to homeownership today!

Don't miss out on the first-home-buyer advantage. We focus on the essentials, ensuring you get the best products without unnecessary burdens. Take the first step towards your dream home now.

Start your journey to homeownership today!

Don't miss out on the first-home-buyer advantage. We focus on the essentials, ensuring you get the best products without unnecessary burdens. Take the first step towards your dream home now.